Saturday, 29 January 2011

The best designs of 2010

Witness Spinning Hat's favourite design moments through 2010.

As we enter the tweens it seemed fitting to have a look at some of Spinning Hat's favourite moments from 2010. The whole team chipped in their favourite designs to compile "The best designs of 2010" list covering our favorite ideas, products, innovations and stories in one blog post.

Foldable plug (design of the year award)

Strap headphones for athletes

Andrew Kim's square Coke bottle design

Fantastic design for a low-tech, zoomable paper map

In 2010 Spinning Hat entered the realm of the kitchen with our instant success, King and Queen Salt and Pepper Mills

Soccer ball's design influenced by manufacturing techniques, television sets, FIFA politics, and the quest for roundness

Invisible Bike Helmet Inflates Before Impact

What were your favourite design moments of 2010?

Tom Kelly-Lord
Spinning Hat

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Really creative business cards

In this blog, we’ll take a look at some outstanding business card designs which show that there are no limits to the design of a business card.

What ever business you’re in, and especially for anyone in the field of design, such as web designers, a business card can be as important as your website identity. Business cards create a connection and bond between you or your business and your customers. Just like in a website, business cards can become great interactive elements, but with the added ability to have real textures, different materials and shapes.

Tom Kelly-Lord
Spinning Hat

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Recycle Reuse Reduce!

Retro products recycled into new gadgets and even furniture, from NES ipod cases to Lego lamps.
You lot out there are a creative bunch aren't ya! Its good to see people not just chucking stuff away. Why not turn your old stuff into ultra rad, retro stuff!

NES controller ipod case

Keyboard key ear rings (

Lego lamp

Sega iPod dock

Meccano Lamp

For you music fans check Check out these recycled vinyl record coasters straight from the Spinning Hat design studio

Tom Kelly-Lord
Spinning Hat

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New era custom hats

A selection of some of the more creative New era custom hats.

New Era recently Celebrated their 90 years of innovation. For this event New Era asked 90 creatives to create 90 pieces using the new era as the canvas. This video is from the gallery exhibit in London, where these pieces were presented.

New Era XC | London from Chris Read.

Their are some fantastic designs out there. Here are some of my favourites.

Disco new era cap

Size new era cap

Pac-Man new era cap

Drink new era cap

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Pet Fashion

Observe the ridiculous world of pet fashion.

Have we lost our minds? Do we think dogsare people now? Do we have more money than sense? Or is dressing up your pets the best thing since sliced bread? You decide. Check out these redonculous costumes for pets!

Top 10 Creative websites

Some of the most Beautiful and creative websites out there!

If you spend lots of time browsing through web galleries you’ll notice certain trends in design that vary from time to time. Currently, there are a number of sites that effectively utilize illustration and other types of very artistic design. Hopefully this collection will be a good source of design inspiration for you. Let us know what you think by commenting below.


Creative Spark

N.Design Studio


Guerilla marketing examples

Amazing examples of Guerilla marketing - unique, engaging and thought-provoking concepts that have generated a big buzz and going viral.

Climb outside that box your stuck in and check out these amazing examples of guerilla marketing. Feed your brain!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Character tattoos

Get the inspiration you're after for that next tattoo!

Check out these tattoos! We fall in love with our favourite brands and characters so much we are happy to give up our skin for them.

Super Mario tattoo

Hello Kitty / Darth Vader tattoo

Space Invaders tattoo

8bit Pokemon tattoo

Zelda tattoo (Link)

Tom Kelly-Lord
Spinning Hat

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Smart Materials

Examples of smart materials and possible applications to improve your design.

Spinning Hat love keeping upto date with the latest technologies and materials. Below is a short list of smart materials that could be utilised in a whole variety of applications. Let your mind wonder!

Piezo electric
Piezoelectric materials have two unique properties which are interrelated. When a piezoelectric material is deformed, it gives off a small but measurable electrical discharge. Alternately, when an electrical current is passed through a piezoelectric material it experiences a significant increase in size (up to a 4% change in volume).

This Corky mouse concept uses piezoelectric elements to produce green energy. the eco-friendly mouse makes use of piezoelectric elements to generate energy with minimum fuss. You need not to put extra efforts, as the mouse produces energy as soon as you click or move it around on the mouse pad or workstation.

Thermochromic inks
Thermochromism is the ability of substance to change color due to a change in temperature.

Spinning Hat utilise this in their CO2 MUG. As the mug warms up you will see which countries are the worst offenders for producing CO2.

Shape Memory Alloys
A shape memory alloy is an alloy that "remembers" its original, cold-forged shape: returning the pre-deformed shape by heating. This material is a lightweight, solid-state alternative to conventional actuators such as hydraulic, pneumatic, and motor-based systems.

The V/a.g.r.a. is an "animated lamp" designed by Romolo Stanco that uses shape-memory alloy to change its shape whenever it's turned on and off. Although I can't figure out why it's called V/a.g.r.a. It sounds like something I'd find in my spam folder.

Tom Kelly-Lord
Spinning Hat

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