Personally i'm not looking forward to the return of WoW, as I was hoping to go home this christmas and see my friends. There is no doubt in my mind that once one friend buys the game, they all will and then its goodbye reality. I might as well submit, at least then I might get a chance to speak to my friends online. You make the final decision, but to give you a helping hand, here are the pro's and con's of buying wow: cataclysm.
PRO's - There are two new races (worgens and goblins), 3,500 new quests, 7 new dungeons, 3 new raids and a level cap extension to 85. It is also a great excuse to get a big pile of crisps and wrap up in your slanket. Rediscover what got you hideously hooked in the first place.
CON's - If you play WoW this holiday you will; get square eyes, put on 3 stone, smell worse than my socks, miss Home Alone and The Great Escape on TV.
Still cant decide... Here is a trailor
WOW: Cataclysm cinematic trailor
Tom Kelly-Lord
Spinning Hat
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