Every so often you find a song that you can't stop playing and you can't get out of your head. Well at the moment mine is Magnetic Man - I need air, and oh boy is it a good tune. A song this distracting deserves a bit of praise and attention, it would be rude not to share.
It's so good I don't mind the mush-mouthed autotune. It's so good I can handle the Vengaboys-esque style at the beginning. It's so good I actually look forward to hearing the acoustic indie versions on the radio.
While presence and charisma are hugely important to the performance of live music, these three dubstep geeks with laptops as their weapon of choice - Benga, Skream and Artwork, don't appear to need it, not when they're making music as rammed full of personality and emotion as this.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to give it one more listen before lunch.
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